• 09:00 am to 18:00 pm

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+90 312 363 50 52


Akyurt - Ankara

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Mon-Fri 09:00 - 18:00 

Sat. 09:00 - 13:00

Type 5 Steam Chemical Integrator

Product Features 

4A Type 5 Chemical Integrators are the indicators which give proximate result to the biological indicator and they operate in direct proportion to biological death.
This product that is used in a package during steam sterilization process consists of the chemical mixture which is on the part of the acceptance area if the sterilization is successful and on the part of reject area if the sterilization fails.
There is no reference color in integrators, and the results can be interpreted according to the mixture migrating through the window.

Note: Products can be produced with your trademark.


Ankara, Turkey
Balıkhisar Mh.| Köyiçi Serpmeleri,
No:795, 06750 Akyurt

+90 312 363 50 52
Domestic : info@4amedical.com
International : export@4amedical.com

Sterile Barrier Association (SBA)

The Sterile Barrier Association (SBA) is the European trade association for companies who produce Sterile Barrier Systems (SBS) and associated equipment and accessories for the healthcare industry. 4A Medical is a member of SBA and contributes to the developments in the association.
To learn more about the SBA and its missions, visit the website: www.sterilebarrier.org

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  • Responsibility
  • Excellence
  • Client Centric
  • Confidential Relation
  • Operational Leadership
  • Innovation
  • Safety

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