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Steam Biological Chemical Test Pack

Product Features 

4A Medical Steam Biological&Chemical test pack is used to check autoclave performance. There are both class 5 integrator and biologic indicator to check autoclave performance. They are cycle verification indicators that confirm the presence or absence of specific time and temperature and saturated steam parameters during a cycle. The product allows theen duser to identify incorrect packaging, load problems and failures in sterilization.Put test packin to autoclave and run according to operation conditions. After cycle is finished, test pack is taken and class 5 integrator is checked thatif blackline reac hedaccept pointor not.Biologic indicator is crushedand put intoincubator. After 24h incubation, biologicalindicator is checked whetherthere is a bacteria growthor not. If both test arepass, it  eans that autoclave work sproperly







Ankara, Turkey
Balıkhisar Mh.| Köyiçi Serpmeleri,
No:795, 06750 Akyurt

+90 312 363 50 52
Domestic : info@4amedical.com
International : export@4amedical.com

Sterile Barrier Association (SBA)

The Sterile Barrier Association (SBA) is the European trade association for companies who produce Sterile Barrier Systems (SBS) and associated equipment and accessories for the healthcare industry. 4A Medical is a member of SBA and contributes to the developments in the association.
To learn more about the SBA and its missions, visit the website: www.sterilebarrier.org

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